Books By Lauren Zimmerman

The Mayan Tiles
Peace Mission (not yet available)
Choosing Universes (not yet available)

A series of books written as fiction ... based on fact ...

books given to LZ, in dream-state, by ET visitors.


A book offering wisdom, insight, and hope.


Wisdom From A Seagull

The Sea Spoke Today

The Sea Took Me To The Earth

Speaking Of The Real

I Allowed The Universe To Speak

A series of books inspired by LZ's

communion with God.

Touching, inspiring, insightful, & delightful.




Watch for more books in the future!


Questar  Chronicles


Erica wrote:

"Normally I race through books that I am enjoying but "Moments of Mastery" felt less like reading and more like an interactive experience.  The truths masterfully woven into the beauty of the words are deep and I felt they required me to be Present to the wisdom which very often leapt out of the pages and into my life. "Moments of Mastery" is very much a journey toward peace both inner and outer. INDEED,  I would recommend this and all of Lauren Zimmerman's work with all of my heart. It is a masterpiece for our times."


Sharon wrote:

"The most profound wisdom/knowledge/truth you will ever read.

Want to learn about Love? Read this. This is a gift to the planet."


Susan C. Lovan wrote:

A must read.  (Moments of Mastery)

This is the most loving and inspiring book I have ever read.
If you want to know your Soul, then read this book.
If you want to feel the Presence of God, then read this book.


Nlight Press is now hosting

"Magicians  of  KA"

Print - on - demand

clothing & wall art.

Welcome to the web site of nLight Press,

proud publisher of the works of Lauren Zimmerman, author,

artist, contactee, and life-after-death survivor.

LZ has received incredible reviews for her imaginative storytelling

and insightful,  wisdom-filled books.

We invite you to pull up a comfortable chair and explore LZ's writings.

I've been asked .. several times, ..

to place a donation button on my web sites .. and so ......

If you have benefited from the work of

nLight Press & Lauren Zimmerman

and would like to support the efforts we

make to assist Humankind, please feel free to use the Donation Button below.

Every donation is received with deep soul-gratitude and prayers are sent to your personal Path through this life-journey.


nLight Press is proud to announce that 

all books have been re-released and are

now available.

nLight  Press

nLight Press

Dedicated to the  spiritual evolution

of Humankind

Featuring the work of

Lauren Zimmerman,

author, artist, contactee, mystic.


Link to the author's main book page on

'Pearls of Universes'

One of LZ's favorite offerings.

This is a depiction of 'existence' as was shown to her during her time on 'the other side.' 

Each 'pearl' is a universe .. and there were millions.

Perspective ... we are infinite beings having a temporary Earth-experience.


What people are saying


Terri writes:

"Loved this book, Every page felt like a letter from home."

Shayne writes:

".......Your books, are more than physical manifestations in print,
 They are cosmic sign posts for those of us still struggling with
versions of the truth about ourselves.
My heart, as is the hearts of many others who have read these books,
is deeply moved by your love for all of us... Thank you Lauren"

Rebecca wrote:

"This book spoke to my experiences so strongly I was shocked by the 8th page and had to put it down for a few days! Then I read it like I was starved!"


Steve wrote:

 "I am reading "CALLED" & I'm really enjoying the story.  I'm recommending if anyone would like to have the experience of being with 3 ET'S, please get this book. Put yourself in the situation of being with them